My Precious Grandkids

My Precious Grandkids

Thursday, November 27, 2008

free stuff at CVS

Well what an awsome day at the cvs this morning. Megan and I went to CVS early today and all of the things in our carts were free.
Of course megan did better than I cause she had so many CBCs. so next time I will be able to do what she did.
If you see Megan at CVS make sure you get out of her way. she is a serious shopper!! Happy thanksgiving to all of you. We have so much to thank God for!!


Genesa said...

You guys look so cute!!!! And don't I know it that Megan's a serious shopper!!!! She's very good @ it!

Megan said...

That was fun!!! Don't worry I won't run over anyone or anything crazy like that!!!

Carolyn said...

Hi Genesa
Yes you would know that Megan is serious.
She is so worried this week cause she is so busy she is not sure how she is going to get her coupons done.........CRAZY Girl!!